Educational Policies During the Lockdown: Measures in Spain after Covid-19

  • Enrique-Javier Díez-Gutiérrez University of León's Education Faculty, Spain.
  • Katherine Gajardo Espinoza University of Valladolid, Spain
Keywords: educational policy, Covid-19, evaluation, curriculum, social justice


The pandemic has disrupted students’ lives, learning, and well-being worldwide and exacerbated existing disparities in education. Countries have unevenly followed policy recommendations to ensure education by non-governmental agencies, and in some cases, political and economic ideology has directly influenced the decisions taken, Spain being a case in point. The instructions and regulations published in April 2020 in Spain are analysed and compared in order to regulate the end of the school year, its evaluation, and the start of the new year, given the situation of suspension of classes during and the confinement of the Spanish population decreed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The 20 documents published by the Autonomous Communities of Spain are subjected to critical discourse analysis. Their approaches and the aspects they highlight or ignore are examined to identify the different models of education that each region defends in times of crisis. There are significant differences between conservative and progressive regions, the latter being more inclined to implement the recommendations of non-governmental organisations.


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How to Cite
Díez-GutiérrezE.-J., & Gajardo Espinoza, K. (2021). Educational Policies During the Lockdown: Measures in Spain after Covid-19. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 11(Sp.Issue), 117-140.