Teachers' Attitudes towards the Rights of Students with Special Education Needs During the Covid-19 Pandemic
This study aims to assess teachers' attitudes toward the rights of students with special needs during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study focuses on the attitudes of the special education teachers regarding their self-efficacy and beliefs about using e-learning with their students during the Covid-19 lockdowns. It was undertaken using a quantitative research approach by which teachers working with children with special needs in Amman were interviewed virtually. The findings indicate that the teachers have positive attitudes and perceptions regarding the rights of children with disabilities, although they report having low self-esteem. They report the need to find ways of integrating e-learning for special needs children during the lockdowns. The findings indicate that teachers in Jordan have relatively negative perceptions of using e-learning platforms for teaching children with disabilities. There is a need for policies to train and support teachers in these settings to equip them with the skills to work with students with special needs using e-learning tools.
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