Mobile Teachers at Border Schools – Multilingualism and Interculturalism as New Challenges for Professional Development

  • Katica Pevec Semec
Keywords: mobile teachers, neighbour language acquisition, multilingualism and interculturalism, professional development


This article discusses the implementation of cross-border learning mobility, which has taken place in some schools and kindergartens at the tri-border area of Slovenia, Austria and Italy. The findings suggest that the implementation of multilingual and intercultural practices, which involve weekly exchanges of ‘mobile teachers’ from neighbouring countries, created a unique educational experience that has encouraged teachers to greater professional growth. In addition to another language, mobile teachers have brought with them various new educational approaches. Border mobility has contributed to the simultaneous strengthening and enriching of educational practices in various border kindergartens and schools. For teachers, the implementation of cross-border learning mobility strengthens the awareness of the importance of competence in multilingualism and interculturalism as an important factor for their further professional development. This article will analyse the knowledge and experience of professionals involved in such mobility programs in terms of a new dimension of professionalism, and the need to develop multilingualism and interculturalism competences.


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How to Cite
Pevec Semec, K. (2018). Mobile Teachers at Border Schools – Multilingualism and Interculturalism as New Challenges for Professional Development. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 8(4), 47-62.